Tugs of My Heart
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Thursday, January 21, 2016
New Year New You - let's get more natural & healthy this year - come join me!
For some, I think this was a little hard to read, so here is the kick-off schedule for this week:
Sun., 1/24 @ 2 pm Intro to Essential Oils (EOs)
Tues., 1/26 @ 10am Intro to EOs
Thurs., 1/28 @ 12:30pm Norwex Party and
7:30pm Norwex facebook party & 8:30 pm Intro to EOs facebook party
Fri., 1/29 @ 6pm Norwex Party & @ 7:30 pm Intro to EOs
Sat., 1/30 @ 4:30pm Norwex Party & @ 6pm Intro to EOs
Tues., 1/26 @ 10am Intro to EOs
Thurs., 1/28 @ 12:30pm Norwex Party and
7:30pm Norwex facebook party & 8:30 pm Intro to EOs facebook party
Fri., 1/29 @ 6pm Norwex Party & @ 7:30 pm Intro to EOs
Sat., 1/30 @ 4:30pm Norwex Party & @ 6pm Intro to EOs
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
How does one explain a mom's heart for
her children? It's hard to put it into words. You would do anything
for your children – you want so badly for them to succeed in life. What is success? I think that varies among people. Many look at success from a financial perspective; I wouldn't. It depends on where your starting point is with your child.
If your child was always at the head of
the class and always had friends & didn't have any issues or
problems in life, your idea of success for them might be a dream job,
making good money, maybe getting married to the perfect mate and
having wonderful children who didn't have any issues or problems.
But what happens when that is not the
case. What happens when we have a struggling learner? Sometimes we
are excited when they receive a “C”. We are super excited when
they receive a “B”; we jump up & down & overly celebrate
when they get an “A”.
What about those children who have
difficulties making friends? We want so badly for them to be able to
connect to someone who will be a good friend for them, not just any
friend, a life-long, encouraging, positive friend.
What about those with a quirk, a
disability – someone who gets looked at differently by society –
stared at, laughed at? We want people to look at them through God's
eyes and see them as He does; gifted in their own unique way, still
created in His image, as we all are.
What about the child who chooses to
walk a different path than the one we had dreamed for them? What
about the one who chooses to rebel? What about the one who
consistently makes bad decisions?
Our hearts break! Why are they
breaking? Are they breaking for our child or for us? I think both. We
want the best for each child! When they hurt, we hurt with them! But
are they hurting in each of these situations? Are we hurting because
we are being looked at as a bad parent? Are we worried more about
what others think of us? Sometimes it is hard to separate the two.
I recently made a decision that I felt
the Lord was encouraging me to do, to stay home with one of my children –
to help put a firm foundation under her feet. A foundation where she
will hopefully see just how much she is loved by God and by me. I
resigned from my full-time job.
Many will think this is a dumb decision
in many regards, especially financially.
Many will say
you shouldn't have your children as the center of your life. There is
a fine line here, I think. No, they are not supposed to rule our
lives. God is supposed to be first, and our spouse second and our
children after that.
That's a lot of time to talk about God's Word. Up until just writing this, I always thought the items listed after "impress them on your children" meant you needed to do them with your children, but that's not really how it reads. It really is talking in general to you, to me - "talk about these commandments when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." Basically, have them always on your tongue because what you think about, that is what you do. What you speak comes from the heart - what you are always focusing on is in your heart, so if you focus on the right things, what comes out should do the right things.
Deuteronomy 6:4-9 says, “Hear, O Israel: The
Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your
heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These
commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress
them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when
you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie
them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write
them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.”
That's a lot of time to talk about God's Word. Up until just writing this, I always thought the items listed after "impress them on your children" meant you needed to do them with your children, but that's not really how it reads. It really is talking in general to you, to me - "talk about these commandments when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." Basically, have them always on your tongue because what you think about, that is what you do. What you speak comes from the heart - what you are always focusing on is in your heart, so if you focus on the right things, what comes out should do the right things.
So, as we process through life - should we allow those around us dictate how we live? I for one
want to live my life for the one who created me.
“For you created
my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works
are wonderful,
I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden
from you
when I was made in the secret place,
when I was woven
together in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed
all the days ordained for me were written in your
before one of them came to be."
Psalm 139:13-16
As I was praying through this decision
a friend forwarded me the following blog post from someone who attends our church:
I bawled for a while – it was such a
confirmation for me that I was doing the right thing to help my daughter process through life, her thoughts, mind, emotions, etc!
Just a reminder for you moms and you
dads, God loves you and your child! Pray, look to Him, see what He
says! He will comfort you! He will lead, guide and direct our paths. He does provide for our every need!
"See what
great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called
children of God!" I John 3:1
As I resigned from my job, I'm looking
for other ways to make money from home. Norwex is one of those ways –
cleaning with water & a cloth! My girls love it & so do I –
no more vinegar smelling for them, as they clean!
You may go here to my Kick-off Party
You can also become a consultant for
FREE this month and join my team. Contact me with any questions!
In His Wonderful and Amazing Love,
special needs
Friday, June 19, 2015
The Health of Your Mouth & Amalgam Fillings
In my research lately I have come across metal pulling in many different venues.
This one I just had to share.
I had a 1/4 of a tooth fall out last year that appears to have been separated from the rest of the tooth by the amalgam filling. Both the piece that came out & what is left in my mouth, you can see the leaching of the amalgam down the tooth.
I just came across this in researching something else. I will be contacting a dentist in my area to see if I can get these out of me - I had thought about it before & then again when the tooth came apart. Now today with potential other health problems I definitely want to get it done, just not sure I can at this moment, have to wait for other results first.
Please watch this video. I found it here at this website: http://amalgam.org/

You put what in my mouth? is the same video but connects you to youtube
You can also do a search for DAMS - Dental Amalgam Mercury Solutions
They will send you information. They have a listing of "biological" dentists who know how to take the amalgams out without hurting you or their staff more. But it also says you should prepare you body for removing the mercury as it does create mercury vapor & particles, so you should do a detox.
Here's another article on how to remove the amalgams
Please do your research and keep you and your family as safe as possible.
This one I just had to share.
I had a 1/4 of a tooth fall out last year that appears to have been separated from the rest of the tooth by the amalgam filling. Both the piece that came out & what is left in my mouth, you can see the leaching of the amalgam down the tooth.
I just came across this in researching something else. I will be contacting a dentist in my area to see if I can get these out of me - I had thought about it before & then again when the tooth came apart. Now today with potential other health problems I definitely want to get it done, just not sure I can at this moment, have to wait for other results first.
Please watch this video. I found it here at this website: http://amalgam.org/

You put what in my mouth? is the same video but connects you to youtube
You can also do a search for DAMS - Dental Amalgam Mercury Solutions
They will send you information. They have a listing of "biological" dentists who know how to take the amalgams out without hurting you or their staff more. But it also says you should prepare you body for removing the mercury as it does create mercury vapor & particles, so you should do a detox.
Here's another article on how to remove the amalgams
Please do your research and keep you and your family as safe as possible.
Monday, February 9, 2015
Essential Oils
There has been extensive talk on Essential Oils - if you are searching, you will find it.
I am a researcher and have found much information.
In doing my research I have decided I want to give Essential Oils more of a try in my family. We have used lavender for a while in cleaning. Mixed with vinegar it is a GREAT disinfectant.
I have used it on my mom's burn. It worked well. In writing this, it made me realize I have not used in on my 6 yr old's burn - will do tomorrow a.m.
We have used it to calm us, to help the girls sleep. I truly like lavender and all of its many uses.
There are many natural helps and aids using essential oils and being natural. I like that much better than medications. Supposedly diffusing different oils helps concentration levels, others sleep, etc. I am very excited to try. I was frozen for a while in deciding which company to go with. It's a lot of money initially. I have decided it is time to take the plunge. My youngest has seasonal & environmental threats & gets sick more than the rest of us. I want to be able to help her naturally.
I am going to purchase the full set from Queen Homeschool Supplies and begin to experiment myself. There was an independent test done on many Essential Oils and this one came out on top in this test. This is from their website -
"We've carried several lines of essential oils over the years, and have gotten very particular. So particular, in fact, that we have begun importing our own single oils from all over the world, wherever quality is grown, and crafting our own blends.
We use ONLY ORGANIC, THERAPEUTIC–GRADE essential oils. Because essential oils are so concentrated, if pesticides are used on the plants, when those plants are used to distill the essential oils from, not only the essential oils would be concentrated, the pesticides would be as well! That's also why we would NEVER use (or sell) aromatherapy–grade oils, flavor oils, or anything else commonly confused with true, pure essential oils."
Many companies have claimed many things. I am ready to give it a try. Heck, medical companies are willing to try medicines out on people and in many cases it kills them. I really don't like hearing all of the ads on tv for a medicine that will help with one thing but the potential side effects is a 2 page list that goes on and on.
So here goes the plunge. I will keep you updated!
I am an affiliate with Queen Homeschool Supply, so if you click on the link from my page and order, I will earn some money.
Update 1/21/16 --
I said I would keep you updated -- I really enjoy essential oils and how they can help in so many ways! I decided in mid Oct to go with another company that I can sell and earn some money with and share the oils more easily! You can't hold it in when they do such a GREAT job!
So in doing my extensive research, that I do for everything, the subject of essential oils is quite vast. You can find whatever you are looking for.
I have now made my own deodorant with clay. My mom chose the essential oil blend we put in. I need to tweak the recipe some as it came out too hard; I still like it & it smells good & works well. Clay helps pull the toxins from your body. And you still want to be able to perspire because that is how your body rids itself of toxins but you don't want it to smell.
We have made clay pendant diffusers so we can wear our oils & smell them during the day, as needed. Still need to tweak that a little, as well, a few have been pulled off. It was a lot of fun, though, we each made our own. Will take photos next time.
We use wool dryer balls from Norwex with lavender on them instead of toxic dryer sheets.
My youngest daughter uses peppermint, lavender & lemon with fractionated coconut oil in a roller bottle every morning and night on her wrists, back of neck and temples to help with seasonal & environmental threats. We don't do temples anymore at night because peppermint can burn the eyes and rolling around on a pillow can put the peppermint too close to the eyes.
My oldest uses a citrusy blend, a focus blend, peppermint, a holiday/cinnamon blend - whatever she's in the mood for, one or 2 drops at a time on her pulse points to help concentrate & stay focused during her school day or as needed. We also diffuse what's needed to help during the day. At night we diffuse a blend that helps support the immune system during this time to help fight seasonal threats.
My favorite to use is peppermint as it helps focus the brain - who can't use a little of that! There's a blend that helps ease the tension and side effects during monthly cycles.
I really do enjoy using my oils. I gave out roller bottles for Christmas to help with sleep, help clear out sinus passages, occasional stomach discomfort (another of my oldest daughter's favorites, as she can't stand the thought/feeling of getting sick), a pick me up.
I would love to show you more about how essential oils could help you!
I am a researcher and have found much information.
In doing my research I have decided I want to give Essential Oils more of a try in my family. We have used lavender for a while in cleaning. Mixed with vinegar it is a GREAT disinfectant.
I have used it on my mom's burn. It worked well. In writing this, it made me realize I have not used in on my 6 yr old's burn - will do tomorrow a.m.
We have used it to calm us, to help the girls sleep. I truly like lavender and all of its many uses.
There are many natural helps and aids using essential oils and being natural. I like that much better than medications. Supposedly diffusing different oils helps concentration levels, others sleep, etc. I am very excited to try. I was frozen for a while in deciding which company to go with. It's a lot of money initially. I have decided it is time to take the plunge. My youngest has seasonal & environmental threats & gets sick more than the rest of us. I want to be able to help her naturally.
I am going to purchase the full set from Queen Homeschool Supplies and begin to experiment myself. There was an independent test done on many Essential Oils and this one came out on top in this test. This is from their website -
"We've carried several lines of essential oils over the years, and have gotten very particular. So particular, in fact, that we have begun importing our own single oils from all over the world, wherever quality is grown, and crafting our own blends.
We use ONLY ORGANIC, THERAPEUTIC–GRADE essential oils. Because essential oils are so concentrated, if pesticides are used on the plants, when those plants are used to distill the essential oils from, not only the essential oils would be concentrated, the pesticides would be as well! That's also why we would NEVER use (or sell) aromatherapy–grade oils, flavor oils, or anything else commonly confused with true, pure essential oils."
Many companies have claimed many things. I am ready to give it a try. Heck, medical companies are willing to try medicines out on people and in many cases it kills them. I really don't like hearing all of the ads on tv for a medicine that will help with one thing but the potential side effects is a 2 page list that goes on and on.
So here goes the plunge. I will keep you updated!
I am an affiliate with Queen Homeschool Supply, so if you click on the link from my page and order, I will earn some money.
Update 1/21/16 --
I said I would keep you updated -- I really enjoy essential oils and how they can help in so many ways! I decided in mid Oct to go with another company that I can sell and earn some money with and share the oils more easily! You can't hold it in when they do such a GREAT job!
So in doing my extensive research, that I do for everything, the subject of essential oils is quite vast. You can find whatever you are looking for.
I have now made my own deodorant with clay. My mom chose the essential oil blend we put in. I need to tweak the recipe some as it came out too hard; I still like it & it smells good & works well. Clay helps pull the toxins from your body. And you still want to be able to perspire because that is how your body rids itself of toxins but you don't want it to smell.
We have made clay pendant diffusers so we can wear our oils & smell them during the day, as needed. Still need to tweak that a little, as well, a few have been pulled off. It was a lot of fun, though, we each made our own. Will take photos next time.
We use wool dryer balls from Norwex with lavender on them instead of toxic dryer sheets.
My youngest daughter uses peppermint, lavender & lemon with fractionated coconut oil in a roller bottle every morning and night on her wrists, back of neck and temples to help with seasonal & environmental threats. We don't do temples anymore at night because peppermint can burn the eyes and rolling around on a pillow can put the peppermint too close to the eyes.
My oldest uses a citrusy blend, a focus blend, peppermint, a holiday/cinnamon blend - whatever she's in the mood for, one or 2 drops at a time on her pulse points to help concentrate & stay focused during her school day or as needed. We also diffuse what's needed to help during the day. At night we diffuse a blend that helps support the immune system during this time to help fight seasonal threats.
My favorite to use is peppermint as it helps focus the brain - who can't use a little of that! There's a blend that helps ease the tension and side effects during monthly cycles.
I really do enjoy using my oils. I gave out roller bottles for Christmas to help with sleep, help clear out sinus passages, occasional stomach discomfort (another of my oldest daughter's favorites, as she can't stand the thought/feeling of getting sick), a pick me up.
I would love to show you more about how essential oils could help you!
Sunday, July 27, 2014
New Food Ventures
So, we have some alternate routes to our eating this past year.
Currently we are on Doug Kaufmann's Phase 1 diet http://www.knowthecause.com/ I strongly suggest you check out his website. He has many years of study and experience and he says a lot of things that are not typically known or heard.
He believes many health problems today are fungal related, including autism. Why has it risen so dramatically lately? You can search for whatever ails you on the right side of his page towards the top. It will bring up any of his tv shows that deal with whatever you are searching for.
You can also find recipes on the website.
There are tons of places on the web to find whatever types of recipes you are looking for. I will start linking some of our favorites, such as Cauliflower Tots.
Stay tuned for more soon.
Currently we are on Doug Kaufmann's Phase 1 diet http://www.knowthecause.com/ I strongly suggest you check out his website. He has many years of study and experience and he says a lot of things that are not typically known or heard.
He believes many health problems today are fungal related, including autism. Why has it risen so dramatically lately? You can search for whatever ails you on the right side of his page towards the top. It will bring up any of his tv shows that deal with whatever you are searching for.
You can also find recipes on the website.
There are tons of places on the web to find whatever types of recipes you are looking for. I will start linking some of our favorites, such as Cauliflower Tots.
Stay tuned for more soon.
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